What is Club Soccer?

What is Club Soccer?

"Club" or "Select" Soccer is a higher level of training and development for players who are looking to graduate from recreational soccer and further develop their skills. Club Players are selected for teams thru tryouts and are carded with a team for fall and spring seasons. Teams compete in local, state and regional leagues and tournaments depending on age and skill level. For players and families who are used to rec soccer, some of the main difference you will notice are:

  • Training - Club teams generally train 2-3 days a week with club training staff. There are pre planned and age appropriate training curriculums based on the teams skill level, age and team needs.
  • Coaches and Training Staff - While rec teams are usually coached by volunteer parents, we have paid and licensed coaches and training staff for all teams.
  • Cost - Rec soccer fees are generally significantly lower due to very low over head cost. Please see our page about fees for more information HERE.